Objavljeni naučni radovi:

  1. V.D.Liseikin, S.Karasuljić, A. V. Mukhortov, V. I. Paasonen, "On a Comprehensive Grid for Solving Problems Having Exponential or Power of First Type Layers", (accepted)

  2. S.Karasuljić and H. Ljevaković, "On construction of a global numerical solution for a semilinear singularly--perturbed reaction diffusion boundary value problem", Mat. Bilten, Vol. 44, No2, (2020), pp. 131-148

  3. V. D. Liseikin and S.Karasuljic, "Numerical analysis of grid-clustering rules for problems with power of the first type boundary layers", Computational Technologies 25:(1) (2020), pp. 49-65

  4. S.Karasuljić, H. Zarin and E.Duvnjaković. "A class of difference schemes uniformly convergent on a modified Bakhvalov mesh", Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics 10:(1-2) (2019), pp. 16-35

  5. S.Karasuljić, E.Duvnjaković and E.Memić. "Uniformly Convergent Difference Scheme for a Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion Problem on a Shishkin Mesh", Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 7.(1) (2018), pp. 23-38

  6. S.Karasuljić, E.Duvnjaković, V. Pasic and E.Baraković. "Construction of a global solution for the one dimensional singularly-perturbed boundary value problem", Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics 8.(1-2) (2017), pp. 52-65

  7. S.Karasuljić, E.Duvnjaković and H.Zarin. "Uniformly Convergent Difference Scheme for a Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion Problem", Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 4.2 (2015), pp. 139-159

  8. E.Duvnjaković, S.Karasuljić, V.Pašić and H.Zarin. "A Uniformly Convergent Difference Scheme on a Modified Shishkin Mesh for the Singularly Perturbed Reaction-Diffusion Boundary Value Problem", Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics 6.1 (2015), pp. 28-43

  9. E.Duvnjaković and S.Karasuljić. "Difference Scheme for Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion Problems on a Mesh of Bakhvalov Type", Mathematica Balkanica 25.5 (2011), pp. 499-504

  10. E.Duvnjaković, N.Okičić and S.Karasuljić. "Difference Scheme for Semilinear Reaction-diffusion Problem", 14th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology TMT 2010, 7. Mediterranean Cruise. (2010), pp. 793-796

Konferencijski radovi:

  1. V.D. Liseikin, S.Karasuljić, A.V. Mukhortov, V.I. Paasonen, "On a comprehensive grid for solving problems having exponential or power–of–first–type layers", NUMGRID 2020, 10th International conference and workshop celebrating the 130th anniversary of Boris Delaunay, November 25–27, 2020, Dorodnicyn Computing Center FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

  2. V.D. Liseikin, A.N. Kudryavtsev, V.I. Paasonen, S.Karasuljić, A.V. Mukhortov, A. V. "On Rules for Grid Clustering in the Zones of Boundary and Interior Layers", Mathematics and its Applications. International Conference in honor of the 90th birthday of Sergei K. Godunov, Novosirsk, Russia, (2019), pp. 275

  3. S.Karasuljić and E.Duvnjaković, "Construction of the Difference Scheme for Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion Problem on a Bakhvalov Type Mesh ", The Ninth Bosnian-Herzegovinian Mathematical Conference, Sarajevo, BiH. 2015.

  4. E.Duvnjaković and S.Karasuljić, "Collocation Spline Method for Semilinear Reaction -Diffusion Problem on Shishkin Mesh ", 2nd International Euroasian Conference on Mathematical Scientific and Applications, Sarajevo, BiH, 26-29. August 2013.

  5. E.Duvnjaković and S.Karasuljić, "Class of Difference Schemes for Semilinear Reaction - Diffusion Problem on Shishkin Mesh ", MASSE, International Congress on Methematics, MICOM 2012, Sarajevo, BiH, 19.09.-23.09.2012.

  6. S.Karasuljić and E.Duvnjaković, "Difference Scheme for Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion Problem ", The Seventh Bosnian-Herzegovinian Mathematical Conference, Sarajevo, BiH, August, 16,2012.

  7. E.Duvnjaković and S.Karasuljić, "Difference Scheme for Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion Problems on a Mesh of Bakhvalov type", TEMPUS PROJECT, SEE Doctoral Year Evaluation Workshop, Skopje, Novembar, 10-12,2011.

  8. E.Duvnjaković and S.Karasuljić, "Uniformly Convergent Difference Scheme for Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion Problem", Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Trogir, Croatia, June 13-17, 2011., pp. 25

Izdate knjige, monografije, udžbenici:

  1. S.Karasuljić, S. Halilović, Matematika 1, OFF-SET Tuzla, 2021

  2. V.D. Liseikin, S. Karasuljić, V.I. Paasonen, Numerical Grids and High-Order Schemes for Problems with Boundary and Interior Layers Novosibirske State University, 2021

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